
I am moving to Los Angeles.

I am moving to Los Angeles for the fall. And the winter. And the spring. And maybe for a little longer. I don't know yet.
In two weeks my lease is up on my apartment in New York. I have spent the last 7 years living in New York. The Bronx, first. Then Brooklyn. Then Manhattan.
I love New York. It's my home. And that's what makes it okay to leave for a little while, because I know it's where I will be in five years. New York is where I will have children. New York is where I will die, most likely because I jaywalked into a UPS truck.
So why go to LA?
Because I have wanted to, for many years. Because right now my gut says go, and I have never felt so strongly that now is the time. Because if you feel like you need to go to LA, you should probably go to LA.
Still: why go to LA?
Because I'm tired of New York, of rushing everywhere. And I'm sick from the subway and the noise.
In Los Angeles I will be outside more. I will swim more.  I will swim every day if I can.
I want to write my book at the beach. So after the summer, I am going to go to LA. (I'm either driving or flying. TBD!)
And why not this second?
Because I can't work/function full time right now. I'm going to freelance and work part time until I am better and then I'm going to go.
But you're sick. You can't be sick across the country!
There it is. The challenge. Can I be sick away from my family? Every single person I've talked to has brought this up. You can't do it, they say.
Fuck that, I say. I have let illness own my life for many years now. I stayed in New York City, even when I wanted to go far away for college. I didn't study abroad because everyone told me I couldn't. I didn't major in premed because everyone told me I'd get sick. I listened to everybody. I did. I listened to everyone.
And I am still fucking sick.
But don't worry, guys. I'll be careful in California. I'll wear sunscreen. I'll exercise more and eat better and I will live in Los Angeles. They even have doctors in Los Angeles! Best of all, they have medical marijuana in Los Angeles.
They have copywriting jobs in Los Angeles. They have better weather in Los Angeles. They have the sun and they have space, space for me.
And so I think that's what I am going to do. I think that after Labor Day, I am going to move to Los Angeles.*
*Unless I change my mind or am offered some sort of brilliant job in New York


  1. Yay. I think LA will be good for you. The weather.

  2. This time I'm not going to argue with you or try to convince you otherwise. I'll bring the girls to visit. We'll go to Disneyland. Love you!

  3. OMG yes, you better visit. I'm going to try and come home as much as possible!! AH I WANNA CRY THINKING ABOUT IT!!

  4. Girl, you just gotta go if you feel it. You'll like it out here, I promise.

  5. Hi Kelly, Hailey here. This is going to be long.

    1. LA is awesome.
    2. LA is cheap...tequila is cheap because Mexico is three hours away and wine is cheap because Napa is five hours away and rent is cheap because it's not New York.
    3. LA IS FAR!! I love my family and friends more than anything and that's the hardest part of living out here...I go home once a year...twice if I'm lucky. But I'm always happy to come back to sunny Cali.
    4. Freelance has it's ups and downs. I will HELP YOU! Working freelance sucks because there is no health insurance/benefits. Working freelance also is awesome because sometimes you can just chill in between jobs.
    5. Being from the East is a HUGE benefit. Out here they view us as prized employees because we have the proper work ethic and education.
    6. I've never been more in shape post college. Fruits and vegetables are abundant and fresh. Hiking, running, biking, swimming, volleyball, walks etc will become regular for you since it's so available.
    7. It really is always sunny in California. It rained 6 days this year and it won't rain again until December. The average temperature between Hollywood and the beach is 75 degrees and sunny.
    8. NO HUMIDITY!!!!
    9. Food here is awesome...from sushi to Mexican...to American I can't complain. However oddly enough considering the Jewish population it's hard to find a good bagel place. New York still has that beat. But everything else is top notch.
    10. Need some snow? Several mountains surround LA and are easy to get to either by car or flight.
    11. Vegas? San Fran? San Diego? Colorado? Hawaii? You can get to any of these place in 5 hours or less.
    12. New York/New Jersey aren't moving. If all else fails...you can always go home.
    13. I'm here and can't wait to have you come!

  6. Well Kelly, you made me cry....you have heard everyone's opinions, arguments, etc. and if you don't do it, you will regret it..(and so will anyone who tries to hold you back)..go for it..God Speed. Love you..

  7. Thanks Hailey! Those are good things. Except I'm sure I'll go home more. Who needs a saving account, anyway?

    Love you too, Auntie.

  8. i think anonymous just convinced me to move there, too.
    i packed up everything last year and drove from NYC to the west coast. amazing experience. no regrets. but i do miss NYC, might even move back in a year.
    do itttt!

  9. oh wow, kell. I wish you happiness and better health in the coming months. I will keep track of you every step of the way.

  10. I knew I showed you such an amazing time on your last few visits to LA you'd move here ! One of the best decisions you'll have ever made. Mcclovin is waiting for you!

    BTW-I better be one of the people you dedicate your first book to

  11. I'm from the SF Bay Area but I moved to LA for a couple of years and LOVED IT. Exactly like you said, I knew I'd end up back in Nor Cal but wanted to experience LA so I went for a time and had the time of my life. And like you alluded to, I always wanted to move to NYC and never did because I was too scared. Now I'm too old and have a (severely underwater)mortgage and a husband and it's just not in the cards. It's my biggest regret. Don't be like me! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your time there. The next time we head down there I'll let you know. I'd love to have a drink with my bloggity friend. HAVE FUN!

  12. Kelly,
    I have never commented, but I have read your blog for a while. I found it on Matt Logelin's page and I am so happy I did. I also have an auto-immune disease. I dont know many people my age who do. Your attitude and drive is inspirational. Enjoy California! I have heard so many people say, "Your disease does not define you." While this is true, it sure plays a part in every decision that is made, from going to dinner to moving across the country. Take lots of pictures and write about your experiences. You will never regret living!

  13. Good luck! I love that your "gut says go!" Sometimes, you just have to throw caution to the wind and follow that little voice inside you!
